scattered thoughts of another chaotic mind slash heart!
happiness is the biggest grin that emerges instantly -
just getting one glance of a best friend!
happiness is being found by someone
you have been searching for a thousand years!!
you'll never know what you might've missed,
when and if you give up trying..
as we grow up,
often we learn to use various kinds of masks
along the way - maybe,
that's called 'maturity' nowadays..
feel the rain, and wind in your face -
it's no use looking for light, in darkness tonight..
listen; smell, inhale -
it's been enough, give up; give in -
i'm your rain man.
happiness needs no reason..
funny - how one can get old; to almost anyone, with time..
that too -
given even such lovely time, almost; all the time..
that's life too; nowadays..
be aware,
I shall always only be me..
love..often silent yet illogically strong..!
listen to the night,
listen to the rain -
in silence; in love..
there's nothing worse than selfish hypocrites
who acts like open minded angels.
life is beautiful
even with a pretty unfair amount of heart wrenching sighs,
you're only dying everyday giving a bad name to living..
Happiness is having someone
to relate to missing the 'idea of you'..
- And i long to be
mercilessly yours..
Unspoken promises are almost bound to be broken and get lost in the oblivion,
Thus it's always too soon when anyone we love leaves without any sort of
timeline to return..
Nobody is entirely busy in this world, or truly unavailable.
It is all about priorities, who and whatever to care more about.
Life is too short not to make time for the things or
the ones you love,
way too short not to live smiling.
Happiness is having often the craziest Yet undoubtedly
the bestest family ever,
along with some angel to walk with -
those who feel like friends!
Thanks to some
gorgeous soul to share the way,
life always is beautiful..
what if i share my soul with you.
And as always you just be gone?
Missing someone has almost nothing to do with their presence or absence in your life.
They may be near or far away, in heart or miles apart. You may be with them or not, it does not matter.
You might be having a walk or sitting together, holding hand or having some good old chat. Yet you can miss them when you can find them right beside yourself.
Cause when you care about someone or you are in love with that one person in your life,
you often get lost into each other; in heart and soul.
A fragment of your being gets attached to that person. And you miss them, miss them bad.
It hurts so badly yet it feels so good.
So illogical. But come on, who says everything must have a logic at all. And after all its love we are talking about, the most illogical mystery of the whole universe.
Sometimes it feels better that it didn't 'click'
with some people -
And some other time it seems like
nothing makes any sense at all, nothing.
every day we get our fair share of fresh breathable air,
along with some little beautiful chances -
to make it one of the bestest day of life for people around us;
who loves and does care for us 'no matter what'.
And all we can do is to be a little bit more of our self,
to reach the end of day with the memory of a beautiful day worth living!
wish, i never knew
how does it feel to lose a friend;
to know for sure
how closer they really were..
Happiness is the end of line,
wherever lies no more waiting.
With clouds and darkened time,
As the night keep turning old;
Older than many wandering soul -
Even maybe older than the sky.
The mighty ocean,
Keeps calling me back.
Over the raindrops -
for one more walk,
before getting lost in the oblivion.
One sandy beach,
Two lost mind or soul;
Memories to make -
Footsteps to fade.
In search of an unheard lullaby,
magical moments to live;
Or even worth dying for.
One meaningless walk without destination,
In presence of an Angel.
How trusted a train shall be?
A midnight one?
Any time, whenever it matters?
One eternal blue train toward your heart?
How faithful to be,
making belief -
even when; not being loved?
Sometimes, this weather; even rain tea -
Seems less sparkling to experience.
Some places and some way of being
Gets too special.
Just because,
We've been there with someone special;
Way too special.
Maybe it’s really true,
People do make the places.
I wish you knew,
nothing seems the same without you..
annoying, arrogant, backdated, boring, close minded, day dreamer, dominating, depressed, doubtful, destructive, dark, envious, hypocrite, ill tempered, immature, impatient, joker, jealous, lazy, lustful, loud, less educated, manner less, mean, melancholic, melodramatic, non-focused, over thinker, overrated, pessimist, proud, possessive, racist, reckless, self-centered, selfish, stubborn, unrealistic, unsocial, unsmarts, uncompromising, unattractive, unimpressive, vengeful, wrathful, etc.
* Just another fool in love,
still alive and happy about that! ''
Just a call away from you,
just a call away from the life next.
is there anything even more interesting
than someone who can
speed up your heartbeat to the maximum
just looking at you for a while,
are there anything else even more lovable
to make you tremble in shivering cold deep within?
lyf eez b'utiful.. :')
* As long as you
keep your eyes open
and take your time
to see its beauty..
Life is
one hell of a ride, full of surprises.
an awful lot of bad ones.
And luckily,
more than often - some really good ones.
Happiness is
the lovely warmth of a tea cup
in a windy winter evening..
about time, to begin again;
or to be gone with the wind.
Happiness is
the lovely warmth of a tea cup
in a windy winter evening
Just another fool in love,
still alive and happy about that!
wish, i never knew
how does it feel to lose a friend;
to know for sure
how closer they really were..
এই তিনটে সব চাইতে পছন্দ হলো!
এই লেখায় কোন মন্তব্য পাবো আশা করি নাই!
দারুন লাগল।
অজানা অতিথিকে ধন্যবাদ।
মন্তব্য করুন