Too much of nothing
There is a moment when it’s time to say goodbye and go home. I know I have it coming. Sometimes I’d think that every night I’d look at the day I passed and see how many things I have done. And sometimes I’d just laugh about me, having spent the day thinking about planning the day. Well, some days, I let the day go by, spending a lot of time, and most of the time I doing nothing. Someone would call me super lazy, I’m the laziest one I seen all my life, always doing things at deadline. So what do I do before the deadlines? Affording leisure someone might say. But that’s hard to figure out.
Yesterday was the day I did nothing except seeing people on the streets, places where they sit and talk. I thought I won’t do anything else, what a day! Today was a day just like yesterday, except going to the acoustic concert in the campus, I didn’t actually go anywhere. I was wondering around saw them opening up their boxes and pulling out the guitars and percussion. I sat there for hours, till it was before midnight and they packed up in their cars. They sang a couple of doors and a few other old songs.
I was slow and satisfied when I was headed to the hostel. I saw two from the university standing on the walkway by the street, with their eyes empty. They gave me a warm welcome and we agreed that we had nothing to do. One of them was bored as hell and he started to say things in English. He said, speaking the language is important, and then regretted that he has this bike but he can’t ride it, like he has his baby and he can’t ride her. I couldn’t agree more, and said let’s go for a ride now so we can say that we can ride.
We took our bikes and went on a ride, we were also looking for cannabis sellers or smokers by the streets. In front of the girls’ hostel we saw two old men with long beards and torn out cloths. They were sitting on plastic sheets on the walkway and they said cannabis is what they smoke but they had it all smoked in them and have reached the spiritual station they needed to. Then one of them started saying things in Hindi I didn’t understand.
We were reaching near the finishing point of the night and by the next street I saw a group of five sitting and standing on the walkway, the middle aged woman in a yellow dress was stuffing a cigarette with cannabis mixture. I stood in front of them and starred at the thing she was doing. She said, say what you want to say. And I said we’d love to smoke some. ‘It takes one to know one’- she smiled.
Few months back a bunch of guys from university raped a girl in the dark of the park. She asked how old that girl was. I said she was old enough to go out for a date. We thanked her and hit the road again. There was little cannabis in that mixture. And how could a bunch of guys from the university could do something like that? Well, I had nothing to do or think about news like that.
Couple of days ago I was in a history class, and the professor was talking about the natives of South America. Back in the history the Aztecs had those pyramids made of stones, they’d walk their slaves up on the top and offer them to gods by taking their heads off. Gravity would have the heads rolling like stones till they reach the earth and the gods would be pleased. After many years, the Spaniards would discover the land and kill most of the natives with plague they brought. Many things are still the same they were a thousand years ago. And they will remain the same for a long time maybe in the next thousand years.
I thought I had a quite a night ride and I will sleep till morning so finally I reached my place where I have a blanket to cover my body and all my thoughts in a night just like tonight. I’d meet a deadline or two the next morning.
overthinking kills!
Education can make someone educated, not human!
থ্যাংক য়ু দাদা। i totally agree with you.
থ্যাংক ইউ দাদা। couldn't agree more!
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